Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We are having BABY!!!!

Yay we are pregnant! I am in my seventh week and I am so excited! We are due in October which I am a little worried about since I will have just started teaching my first year. I am trying to figure out if I should tell my prospective boss before or after being hired. I am in such a moral dilemma! So if anyone has an opinion about how this should work feel free to let me know!


Lisa B. said...

Congrats Andrea and Jaysen.....I am soooo happy for you. Being is mom is soooo wonderful. My opinion with your bosses or possible bosses is to be forthcoming. They will trust you from the start.

Judy said...

Yahoooo! Grayson and Molly will be so thrilled to have more kiddos in the younger "set"...as far as the Ryan fam is concerned. Congratulations! And I say...tell your employer from the get go. You don't won't to be caught between a rock and a hard place. Good luck with that job search!

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