Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Power of Perspective

Today I was visiting my husband at work. He works at a truck accessory shop. While I was here there was a father here with his three young children. The situation quickly got to the point of explosive with the oldest daughter yelling and the young father not doing much about it. My husband sat there and quietly exchanged those knowing glances that clearly stated "our children will never behave that way!" Throughout the course of it I kept thinking that the dad just needed to take a firm hand with this out of control child. While listening to the child scream at her father about how she just wanted her mother her father simply stated "I am sorry but she is the one that left and I am the one that stayed so I am all you have." My heart broke and I immediately asked God for forgivness. How heartbreaking for the both of them. Please pray for this family that we will never know but whose lives will certainly be difficult.


Michelle said...

That was heartbreaking to read! I guess that makes you stop and think that none of us knows another's situation or what is going on in the household at the time for a child to be acting out in frustration or anger.

Thank you for your comment on my blog and for your prayers - much appreciated!

Aunt Angie said...

Andrea, I came over directly from your mom's blog! She is such a sweetheart to me. Your blog is going to be a blessing to so many! Your mom is a blessing to me.
I enjoyed my visit here :)